Thursday, July 21, 2011

Week Two

What a productive week we have had here in 2M!

This week was NAIDOC week. NAIDOC stands for the National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. We have all been busy entering a colouring in competition and listening to our daily questions that help us to celebrate the Indigenous culture.

This week in Science we have looked at the four seasons, why we have the four seasons, which months are in which season and what makes them unique.
Did you know that it takes one year for the Earth to rotate around the sun?
We also learnt that the Earth’s axis is tilted and this is what gives us the four seasons.
We had a lot of fun designing clothes that we would wear for each seasons.

We have had a lot of fun in Numeracy this week. We were introduced to ‘half past the hour’ and practiced this using our class clocks. When the students are at home, we have encouraged them to have a go at telling the time on their own. We have looked closely at subtracting two digit numbers and kept practicing our money recognition, while focusing on giving and receiving change.

During Literacy rotations we refreshed our understanding of nouns, adjectives and verbs. This week our sounds were p, pp, and r, rr and wr. We became book detectives this week and found these sounds in books. We have been looking closely at the structure of a narrative, as we will soon be drafting, editing and publishing our own stories! We have been doing lots of modelled, guided, shared and independent reading, and as a class we have been working on our comprehension strategies. We found out that it can help us remember a story when we stop and retell the story so far.

Thank-you to all the parent helpers and volunteers that dedicate their time in the classroom, we really appreciate it!

Miss Renee ☺

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