Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week One

Students, Parents and Caregivers,

What a fantastic and busy week we have had!

This week we have been introduced to our unit ‘Weather’. First we looked at what we already knew about weather. As a class, we brainstormed all the different facts we knew about weather. We then looked at different weather types that we have experienced and different weather types that we can experience. We have observed the weather each morning and recorded this on our daily chart. We also broke up into groups and looked at weather symbols in the newspaper. After this, we became weather reporters ourselves by creating our own weather symbols and writing our own weather reports.

We have been enjoying our four groups during our Literacy rotations, and we have been focusing on de-coding the text, guided reading, independent reading and comprehension. We have been using our new ‘PMI’ tables. This is where we find something we liked about the book, something we didn’t like about the book, and something we found interesting about the book. Next week, we will start to write our own narratives about weather that we will publish into a book.

In Mathematics, we have been revising money, fact families and our addition and subtraction sums. This week, we set up a shop called ‘2M’s shopping centre’ and this gave us the opportunity to practice our money recognition skills and money addition and subtraction skills as we looked at the correct change. This was really fun, and was enjoyed by all.

This week, Miss Renee has been modelling our ‘News and Weather’ presentations. Next week the students will start to do their own presentations, please double check when your child is scheduled to share. We are looking forward to sharing and listening to different news items and the weather forecast.

Miss Renee and Mrs Munro ☺

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